by Russell S. Glowatz
So with my second blog post on this page, Dear Youngins: A Message To Post-Jerry Deadheads, I went viral. Well, as viral as one can go within the online Dead community. Through this unexpected experience, and also through the excellent tracking tools WordPress provides for bloggers, I had a long-held suspicion confirmed. A suspicion that many of you likely have: that we are EVERYWHERE.
Grateful Dead is a uniquely American band. Everything about the members, songwriters, music, lyrics, and past shows, oozes something that is particularly American. Due to this, and the fact that the band only seldom toured outside the States and Canada, most Deadheads are American. Yet a dedicated Deadhead Diaspora has emerged outside of North America as well, intricately connected to the band and the community by an appreciation for the songs, transcendent jams, ideals, and spirituality that the Grateful Dead phenomenon has to offer.
A diaspora is a group of people with a commonly held cultural identity that, for whatever reason, are settled far from their ancestral homeland. The world Jewish population became a diaspora community with their initial expulsion from the Kingdom of Judah (present day Israel) during the Babylonian Captivity. Many people from war-torn countries that have become refugees make up diasporas of their own, such as the Ugandan Diaspora. The Tibetan Diaspora emerged as China occupied Tibet and the 14th and current Dalai Lama made a pilgrimage from his homeland, with many followers, in order to escape the aggression of their occupiers in the late 1950’s. As Deadheads, our circumstance is a little different. We weren’t personally expelled from our homeland, nor were our genetic ancestors (unless you happen to be a part of another diaspora community as well), yet I contend that members of the Grateful Dead and their extended family were expelled from their home when the scene in the Haight District became untenable after the influx of aspiring “hippies” during the “Summer of Love” in 1967. While no longer in existence, the Haight district of the mid-sixties embodied the utopian ideals that many Deadheads hold near and dear. As Deadheads, this is our ancestral homeland.
This deterioration of the Haight-Ashbury scene, and the increased popularity of the band throughout the greater San Francisco area, and the country as a whole, encouraged the first out-of-state touring for the Grateful Dead. Their first East Coast tour was during the summer of 1967, where the Dead found themselves playing a show in New York City, and then at SUNY Stony Brook campus out on eastern Long Island. These shows encouraged enterprising folks who liked what they heard to promote shows for the Dead on Long Island and throughout New York in the years to come. What emerged was the first diaspora community, composed of New York Deadheads. The New York Deadhead community remains an essential part of the Deadhead Diaspora, evidenced by Phil Lesh’s choice to play residencies at the Capitol Theater in Port Chester, NY, since he’s retired from touring. I go into greater detail of how this went down in another piece I wrote, which I link here. As the Dead toured North America, what happened in New York transpired for other regions and what I coined as the Grateful Dead Diaspora truly emerged by the end of the seventies, as Deadheads from across the continent identified commonly with the band and their ideals.
Now the emergence of a worldwide Deadhead population couldn’t have only been spurred by touring, since the band toured outside the country merely a few times during their career. Despite that, through taper networks, the selling of studio albums, and Deadheads’ early adoption of the internet, there is a healthy GD community outside the bounds of North America. While many of these are certainly American expatriates, I am certain many of them are not. To use one country as an example…a country that has an inclination towards American music possibly due to the United States post-WWII occupation and continued presence therein, that based on my stats happens to have the largest international Deadhead Diaspora community (outside of Canada), here are three photos involving two Japanese Deadheads…
Exhibit A, a photo of a Japanese Deadhead holding up her sign looking for a miracle ticket at the Fare Thee Well shows in Chicago.
Source: Anonymous Japanese Deadhead
Exhibit B, a poster made by an enterprising Japanese Deadhead named Miki Saito.
Exhibit C, a letter from Miki Saito to the band.
Source: Saito, Miki, “Japan Deadheads poster with letter,” Grateful Dead Archive Online, accessed July 10, 2015, http://www.gdao.org/items/show/825781.
Also emanating the vibrant nature of the Japan Deadhead community is Exhibit D, Japan’s premier Grateful Dead cover band. Here is a link to an article, on Jambands.com, showing Joe Russo performing with Warlocks of Tokyo in 2014. Please click the link for set list information. If I ever venture to Tokyo, I will surely check this group out…they can noodle and jam with the best of ’em, and absolutely capture the vibe in their music.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnqFQqTPj54]
Back to the present day, and my widely dispersed blog post (I don’t mention this to boast, but to show definitive evidence of our presence amongst the people of the world). WordPress allows bloggers to see where their posts are being read, and what I’ve confirmed is that we are on every continent on Earth (excluding Antarctica, although I’d bet a miracle ticket that there is a Deadhead or two amongst the hundreds of folks currently wintering in that frozen tundra). Here is a list of countries and territories confirmed to have Deadheads currently living within their borders (in order, from the most Deadheads reading in each country, to the least):
United States, Canada, Japan, United Kingdom, Israel, Germany, Brazil, Australia, India, Spain, Italy, Mexico, France, New Zealand, Netherlands, South Korea, Thailand, Sweden, Ireland, Austria, US Virgin Islands, Denmark, Norway, Costa Rica, Philippines, Belgium, Portugal, Russia, Finland, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Slovenia, Taiwan, Singapore, Argentina, Romania, Colombia, Vietnam, Bahamas, Anguilla, United Arab Emirates, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Cambodia, Jordan, Hungary, Jamaica, Nigeria, Rwanda, Peru, Chile, Ghana, Andorra, Antigua & Barbuda, Indonesia, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Grenada, Fiji, Guam, Qatar, Tanzania, Poland, Aland Islands, Nepal, Malaysia
Now I decided not to list the individual numbers of Deadheads in each country and territory because these stats are not scientific in the least. They do prove Deadheads live in each country listed, but only the ones that read my blog, and more certainly exist. Some of these sectors of the Deadhead Diaspora appear to be extremely small, yet once again their existence proves that we are here, there, and EVERYWHERE.
We are a worldwide scattered community consisting of people who all share a commonly held identity based around the Grateful Dead, and more importantly the Deadhead community as a whole. Within our Deadhead subculture certainly exists diversity; diversity in nationality, religion, and opinion. Show me two Deadheads, and they will give you fifteen differing opinions. We are a very opinionated bunch! Yet our disagreements exist due to our strongly held convictions about the band, community, collective history, spirituality, ideals, and culture we have in part created, advanced, and consistently been a component of throughout our developed lives. Some of us are more dedicated than others, but each of us identifies with our reciprocal symbols, knowing that we are far from alone on this “bright blue ball just spinning, spinning free.”
© Watts Glow Grateful Productions, 2015
For a more detailed look into the emergence of the Grateful Dead Diaspora, and how we resemble a religious community, go check out Unconventional Church: The Emergence of the Grateful Dead Diaspora.
And please like our Facebook page, Grateful Globotz, or follow us on Twitter @GratefulGlobotz, so you don’t miss any future postings out of our camp.
The Japanese lady holding the MIRACLE board is a friend of mine. Photo A belongs to her. Please get in touch with me privately via mail, and I will tell you how to contact her.
Wow! That was fast!!! How do I find your e-mail address? Can’t seem to locate it on your blog. Or is there a private messaging feature on WordPress? I’m new to this site, so I’m not sure where to access it, if it exists…
Please visit my facebook page and you can get in touch with me. https://www.facebook.com/heartofmine2011
this is the cookie guy @pgoeltz pgoeltz@yahoo.com miki and many others from france to japan are friends of mine all to selling a great cookie on the lot and in stores.
hey cookie guy! do you happen to know the name of the woman holding up the Japanese “miracle” sign? I’d like to properly credit her…some folks on here said they know her, but haven’t gotten back to me yet…
It’s HOSOKEN that the sign was made.
After he got a ticket, I lent a friend.
Hi, Heartofmine2011, I sent you a message on Facebook a few days back regarding getting the contact info for the deadhead holding up the “Miracle” sign. Perhaps my message ended up in your “other” file and you haven’t seen it?
I was there in Santa Clara and Chicago too. From Edinburgh, Scotland 😉
I impressed by the very interesting article. I am a 61 years old Japanese Deadhead. Saito Miki and woman with the sign of the miracle is my friends,and I was play in the Warlocks of Tokkyo about 10 years.
Origin of Diaspora…. Japanese Deadheads dates back to 70s. And I guess, I think that there is approximate about 2,000Deadheads in Japan.
I went to the US in 1980, and lived for 20 years in the San Francisco Bay Area.
From Warfield 1980 until the final shows of the Soldier Field in 1995, about over200 times I attended the shows.
Now, I just came back from FTW DEAD50. Please visit my FB page “Deadheads Japan” Stay In Touch.
Thanks for the feedback. And for adding to my knowledge regarding the Japanese Deadhead community. I just liked your FB page, and will post this article therein. You were in the Warlocks of Tokyo? What did you play? Any videos up on youtube from when you were with the band? From what I’ve seen, you guys rock!
Do you happen to know the name of the lady with the miracle sign? I’d like to properly credit her?
@Katsuhiko Mochizuki i can you help rsglowatz out he looking for the name of the lady hold the ticket sign?? sorry i cannot help, i may have met them, but memory fails……
It’s okay…finally just got the woman’s name…now waiting for a response to see if it’s okay that I use her name to give her credit…
Warfield 1980 produced some stellar music!!! I love those shows, and the Radio City ones that they both made into a movie.
Yeah – we ARE everywhere. I’m a 63 year old English deadhead, who was immersed in American music from a very early age, as my older brother (by 5 years) was into all sorts of early rock ‘n roll & r & b – Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Muddy Waters, you name it – that was of course compounded by the great beat uprising of the early 60s in the UK, headed by the Beatles and the Stones.
In my teens I was at school in Cambridge; I had friends whose parents lodged American students, and getting to know a couple we got to hear about the San Francisco scene, and what we then called “West Coast rock” in general. Got to hear Surrealistic Pillow in 1966, and by then anything from the USA I could listen to I did.
Then along came the late great DJ, John Peel. He had a programme on the pirate Radio London, “Perfumed Garden” it was called; listening to it late one night, he played The Golden Road To Unlimited Devotion, followed by VU’s Venus in Furs. Hooked immediately, so much so that on the morning of March 17th 1967, this 15 year old boy took the train into Manchester, went to his favourite “underground” record shop, and came home with his first day mono copy of The Grateful Dead.
The rest is history. The five shows I saw of Europe ’72 confirmed to me that this was a band above all other. I see no reason to think any differently, all these years on.
My wife (also a deadhead) things it’s a genetic thing. Maybe 🙂
Truly wonderful account of your introduction to the Dead scene, Jeremy. I loved it! I feel like you have the makings of a book or at least an article within your experiences. Keep on truckin’!
Thinking on it 🙂 and thanks. I’m eternally grateful to have shared the same time space continuum of the band. For me they represent the best of America
Reblogged this on tomtolosky and commented:
great blog BTW….
Thanks!!! It totally was inspired by Fare Thee Well…been trying to muster up the ways and means to channel my writing for a while…and after FTW, I took Mickey’s words to heart…I took that energy and am doing something positive with it! Thank you for the support and kind words 🙂
Reblogged this on pgoeltz and commented:
There’s an Israel Grateful Dead fan group, too. We are gathering for Jerry’s Birthday. https://www.facebook.com/groups/7376582540/
Awesome…thanks for the heads up on that group…met a few deadheads while I went on a birthright trip to Israel.
My bad, I meant the 20th anniversary of his death date. DJ’s in the park, all night long.